Yin Yoga
Yin and Yang are opposite and complementary principles in nature.Yin is associated with the cool, calm, stable, inner and hiden aspect of things and Yang is associated with the warm, active, moving,outer and revealing aspect of life and for health and harmony there must be a balance between Yin and Yang
This is why Yin yoga very much complements a Vinyasa practice where you allow your body to slow down ,it can be time for stillnes, steadiness and slowness and can give us the chance to connect to the essence of yin.
Yin is mostly a floor based practice where the postures are held for a longer period of time, allowing you the oppertunity to settle deeper into your connective tissues (fascia) allowing you the oppertuntiy to release tension and bring balnace into our busy lifestyles
Considering our differant body types it's important that each pose is as accessible as possible. You will be supported to settle into each posture where you will be able to enjoy the sensation of releasing and relaxing using if required a selection of props e.g. bolster cushions, blocks, blankets etc.
I demonstrate a pose/postion,offer a few simple modifications and I will then walk round the room keeping a close eye on my students offering assistance if required.
The benefits of a regular Yin practice :
has the potential to relax & sooth the nervous system
fascial release in a safe and passive way
improves joint mobility
promotes a healthy flow of chi in the body
improves circulation